Kaitlin Roney is a visual artist, art activist, and art educator living in Rochester, NY.


Domesticated is my most recent series of oil paintings. This body of work is meant to challenge the viewer to consider both their perception of animals and what we view as necessary human comforts.

The seemingly misplaced creatures may also be seen as a mirror. We might wonder what parts of our wild selves are lost to the man made furnishings and constructs in which we dwell. Have you willingly built your own beautiful cage?

The opening event for Domesticated is scheduled for June 16, 2023 from 6-9pm at Art Center of Rochester. The event is free and open to the public.

The show will hang until July 16, 2023. Direct inquiries about gallery hours to email@artcenterrochester.com

Cow on purple fainting couch.jpg
black bear in wing back chair.jpg
goat in green vintage chair.jpg
squirrel on foot rest.jpg
andy's tale.JPG
maryn painting.jpg